Monday 23 March 2009

So there I was after my last post all giddy and excited having gone quite well and contemplating entering another aquathlon.... when injury struck..........really sore hip after running training,the only realistic action was to rest and stay away from running for a while. However, the good thing about multi-sport is that often you can do other things even if one activity is on hold, so handily for me my focus has changed to trying some more cycling and this coincided with some rather nice cycling spring weather. Funny how some sunshine suddenly makes things seems a whole lot better. Because NDTri is such a mixed bag of the expert Ironman types down to utter beginners you can always find someone of a level to train with so over the last couple of weeks a small group of the "no so confident" bike set have done a couple of rides together on the Tarka Trail which is traffic free, but does involve some ability to dodge round walkers, dog and other cyclists! We started off small with just under 12 miles and then this week went for around 28miles, but at a steady pace and including a nice stop for tea and a scone. So on to something a little more challenging I think next. This has been really useful in building up bike confidence and skills.

My hip has stood up well to some surfing, swimming and cycling after after 10days rest I tried a short 5k run, felt ok, plenty of before and after stretching so I'm hopeful I can be back on it again, planning a 10k run today........... :)

On the club front things are picking up a pace with peole getting covered in mud at the Grizzly and Soggybottom, running distances at the Rome and Bath Half marathons, cycling "Round the houses" and more aquathlon with a good showing at Exmouth - Helen carrying on where she left off last year by winning :)

So we launch now into the busy season and I'm hoping to improve the quality and quantity of training, hip permitting, the lighter mornings and evenings are really taking hold now so lovely to get out and about bring it on....................................... :)

1 comment:

Damian said...

There must be something in the air! I'm injured too! Hope you're fixed soon - think it will be a few weeks for me!