Thursday 26 February 2009

Hello again...... I think I've recovered now! Actually been a bit busy, annoying how work interferes with one's training and triathlon commitments. Anyhow on to the race experience. Arrived in good time, got registered, T shirt quite good and friendly atmosphere. Had a quick chat with fellow NDTri bods and the launched into the swim. This went quite well, four in a lane and as I was lapping then they mostly let me past. Very happy with the swim as first out of the pool in a spectacuarly unelegant fashion (its not my fault my legs are short!) and off to shove on my trainers. A litle bit of a faff on this as decided to wear socks but got going ok and happy to be first out of my wave. I actually managed to mulitask and run and smile and look up all at the same time - there is photographic evidence - and set off. The weather was good so comfortable in just my trisuit on the run. Iain had said don't go out to fast as its pretty hilly so I used my watch to try and keep a steady heart rate and feel comfortable. I was pleased as as I got into it I felt quite strong - so the base training over the winter seemed to have helped and took it steady away. I knew I wasn't going to be that fast on the run but was happy to be going at a steady rate, feeling good and actually confident in my fitness for running. Got round in 1hr 11 so given my hubby said if I didn't get back in less than 1hr 17 he wasn't going to let me into the house then I knew I'd be ok when I got home :)

A good race I thought..well organised and with good signage and marshalls who encouraged throughout. I got back in time to see Iain leaving the pool, for some reason he decided to kick the wall when he set off running.......each to their own, but it looked painful and I think proved to be so. Also top marks to Shell for a sucessful "goggle-catch" it looked well practiced to me. I went off for a nice shower (another good thing about this - good facilities) and was out in time to see Havoc and Damo and Iain all back in. That left Helen to go in the shorter race. So set off for home thinking we'd all enjoyed the event, good to see some success with Iain and Helen taking 2nd place honours.

Overall a nice way to start my racing season, I even found myself enjoying it.............! So starting to think I might enter another now........

Onwards and upwards.......a good boost for the confidence to get through ok and enjoy the event so I'm looking forward to more now, it gives a real impetus to your training. Looking for some lighter evenings now so can get out about after work!

And finally a mention for Basher and Fat Santa who were racing elsewhere but did great, well done chaps!


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